Category Archives: Referrals

Beautiful Referral From Barry Davies

Miracles do happen, especially when they are brought about through the hands of Patty Hoskins. How do I know? Patty brought about such a one when I, now in my 90’s, needed to relocate to where a daughter lived (i.e. Palm Coast) following the death of my wife. I knew I had the right realtor from the start, because, as we spoke on the phone, I heard and felt the compassion that a recently-widowed person needs at such a time. In my absence, Patti showed house after house to my daughter (who knew my tastes and requirements), and showed genuine patience in a lengthy tour of houses. But the miracle was yet to come: I learned that the house right next to my daughter had been vacant for 3 years, and I knew that was the one I wanted.. Patty came to the rescue (I was still out of town). Patty attended the auction along with my son-in-law, and we succeeded in purchasing it. After that, Patty was instrumental in seeing that all the legalities were correctly attended to, and she finally and proudly handed me the front door key to my new home. In the following weeks Patty checked on me frequently to see if all was well with me. I had been well served with Patty as my “key” to such a perfect move…